Moolooite - a rare blue and green mineral

A hydrated copper oxalate with an orthorhombic crystalline structure, Moolooite is an uncommon blue-green mineral. Cu++(C2O4)n(H2O) (n<1) is the formula for this mineral (copper oxalate hydrate). It was named after the original location on Australia's Mooloo Station.

It's a hydrated copper oxalate from Western Australia that occurs naturally. In 1986, Richard M Clarke and Ian R Williams discovered it in Bunbury Well, Mooloo Downs ranch, Murchison, Western Australia.

Figure 1 Physical appearance of Moolooite rock

Information in general

Minerals containing oxalate have Formula 10. AB.15 Strunz classification shows crystal class of Dipyramidal (mmm) and Orthorhombic Crystal Class.


It is formed by the interaction of bird guano with weathering copper sulphides and has an orthorhombic crystalline structure. It's used to give plastics a blueish-green hue.

Color: Blue, Green.

Density: 3.43

Diaphaneity: Transparent

Habit: Microscopic Crystals – Crystals visible only with microscopes.

Luster: Earthy (Dull

Streak: light blue

Sulphide oxidation produces Moolooite as micro-concretionary crusts and powder in cracks and solution voids. Broehantite, antlerite, atacamite, whewellite, sampleite, and libethenite are all found in association with it. It has a turquoise-green hue with a comparable streak, a dull to waxy sheen, and an estimated density of 3.43 g/cm3. Moolooite is made up of aggregates of equidimensional crystallites between 1.57 and 1.95 micrometers in size.


In a mine shaft among tree roots; on an outcrop of quartz hypothesized to have developed by the interaction of bird guano and soluble secondary copper minerals (Mooloo Station, Australia) (Sainte-Marie-aux-Mines, France). As a result of sulphide oxidation, it appears as micro-concretionary crusts and powder in cracks and solution cavities. A second occurrence has been discovered in the Vosges Mountains' Sainte-Marie-aux-Mines silver mining region.


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